Frequently Asked Questions

What is the pain like?

This is different for everyone, and each placement will have varying sensations. Generally speaking it’s more of an ‘annoyance’ pain-wise, not dissimilar to the scratch of a cat with perhaps a bit of heat. We will work around you, and if you’d like to enquire about a specific placement in particular get in touch!

What clothing should I wear?

Wear something you are comfortable in, that will allow easy access to the placement of the tattoo. For example skinny jeans for a thigh tattoo isn’t ideal! Tight clothing generally that will apply lots of pressure to the skin are not advised. Also consider wearing something you are not precious about, as it is not uncommon to have ink or blood splash onto clothing - leave your nice new white shirt/shoes at home!

Here are some examples of ideal clothing for each placement;
- Arms - a t shirt or tank top (that you are not precious about)
- Legs - shorts
- Sternum - a buttoned up shirt
- Back - a button up shirt that can be worn backwards
- Ribs - a soft or loose bra that can be easily moved

Can I use numbing cream for my tattoo?

Please do not come to your appointment with numbing cream on. This is something that needs to be discussed with us prior to considering it for your tattoo. It can have an adverse reaction on your skin, which if you have on the day of your session and stops the tattoo going ahead - it may result in a cancellation of your session and a forfeit of your deposit. If this is something you plan to do, let us know prior so that we can assess our options. We have “rainy day spray” which can be used during your session to take the edge off of the pain. This requires a portion of the tattoo to have already been done during the session so that the skin is ‘open’ and can absorb the numbing agent.

Is there anything I can do to prepare for my session?

Please make sure to have a good nights rest, have a nice meal before you come in preferably quite sugary. Don't forget to bring your ID with you. Other than that let me worry about everything else and just enjoy the process :)

All of my cancellations are always posted on my stories on Instagram and you can try to grab them there, anyone is welcome to take my cancellations space. I have found that most of the customers that manage to grab my cancellations actually have their notifications turned on. It is always based on a first come first served basis.

There are a few things you can do to prepare which will often make your session go a lot smoother!

- Have a decent nights sleep. Do not binge Netflix or sit on the Xbox until the wee hours of the morning!
- Have something substantial to eat prior to your session. Not just a packet of crisps and a sausage roll
- Bring in something sugary - a common recommendation is a bottle of lucozade and some fizzy sweets (i.e. Haribo Tangfastics)
- Have your photographic ID at the ready - this is a legal requirement!
- Do not drink alcohol the night before (or the day of your session). This can thin your blood and result in a less comfortable experience.
- Refrain from any drug use. Coming in under the influence will result in a cancellation of your session and a forfeit of your deposit. Please note - smoking cannabis will not make your tattoo hurt less, it will make it hurt more.

Are there any tattoos you wont do?

Short answer yes. Quite often there are cultural aspects of tattoos that we will refrain from putting on your skin. If you are unsure, get in touch with your enquiry and we will discuss our options with you. At the studio we generally have a specialist of most styles of tattooing.

The placement of your tattoo may have a factor in whether it is something we will take on or not. For example, it’s common etiquette in tattooing to stay away from what is deemed “visible” unless you have a considerable amount of tattoos already. We will not tattoo your face, hands, neck or head as your first tattoo.

If your question is not covered in the points above, reach out to us for a more refined answer!